Borderline Newcastle
Client / Jessica Thompson, University of Waterloo / ISIS Arts, Newcastle upon Tyne / 2015
During her artist residency at ISIS Arts in Newcastle, we teamed up with Canadian sound-artist Jessica Thompson to explore sonic notation, borderlines, gentrification and big data in the work-in-progress project ‘Borderline’.
Having both worked with soundscapes and urban space throughout the years, Lalya and Jessica worked on identifying borderlines during times of social and economic change that manifest themselves sonically. Alistair MacDonald from Makerspace Newcastle also participated in the tech side of the project by helping producing interactive sound maps.
Jessica Thompson
Jessica’s practice investigates spatial and social conditions within urban environments through interactive artworks situated at the intersection of sound, performance and mobile technologies. Her current research investigates the ways that sound reveals spatial and social conditions within cities, and how mobile technologies complicate our relationship to place, territory and community.
Her work has shown in exhibitions and festivals such as ISEA (San Jose, Dubai), the Conflux Festival (New York), Thinking Metropolis (Copenhagen), (in) visible Cities (Winnipeg), Beyond/In Western New York (Buffalo), NIME (Oslo), Audible Edifices (Hong Kong), Artists’ Walks (New York), Locus Sonus (Aix-en-Provence) and Fluid States-Fluid Sounds (Copenhagen), as well as publications such as Canadian Art, c Magazine, Acoustic Territories, the Leonardo Music Journal, and numerous art, design and technology blogs.
She is an Assistant Professor in Hybrid Practice at the University of Waterloo in the Department of Fine Art and the Stratford Campus.